Email maintenance –
SPAM filter upgrade 

As part of our commitment to protect you and your email inbox, Golden West upgraded its spam filter platform early on March 18, 2025. The spam filter looks and operates the same following the upgrade. However, messages caught in the filter before the upgrade must be accessed separately from those caught after that date. 

WEBMAIL: Golden West has worked to make the process as seamless as possible with guided button navigation. Quarantined messages are only held for 30 days, so this dual approach will be temporary. During that time, when you click on the “Email Filter” link in the upper left corner of webmail you will choose “Continue” to see current messages caught in the spam filter or “Archive” to see messages caught before March 18, 2025.  

Keep in mind that changes made to your filter settings should only be made on the page following “Continue” that shows the list of current quarantined messages. Changes made on the “Archive” page will not apply to new messages. 

BOOKMARKS OR EMAIL NOTICES: If you access spam from a bookmark or from email notices, you will need to use the link below to access messages caught before March 18. 

Thank you to all Golden West email customers for working through this new process as we work to bring you an even better spam filter. 

The web address for accessing messages caught by the spam filter after the upgrade on March 18, 2025, and for updating spam filter settings is

The web address for accessing messages caught by the spam filter before the March 18, 2025, upgrade is This page will no longer be accessible after April 17, 2025.